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How to Make a Payment
Payments are due by the 20th of each month. Failure to remit payment will result in disconnection of services.
Please allow sufficient time for payment processing.
At Most Banks/Financial Institutions:
Payments may be made in person at most major financial institutions, including:
When paying at a bank, please make sure you have your First Tel statement with you in order to properly process your payment.
Online and/or Telebanking:
Add FirstTel Communications as a Bill Payee under your Payee List.
Using Money Orders:
Send money order made payable to:
FirstTel Communications Corporation
15 Edward Street, Unit 2
Wikwemikong ON P0P 2J0
Pre-authorized Payments:
Pre-authorized payments are available for our customers who wish to have their monthly payments withdrawn automatically from their accounts. Simply fill out the required form, attach a void cheque and return to:
FirstTel Communications Corporation
15 Edward Street, Unit 2
Wikwemikong ON P0P 2J0